Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bruce Mau

Bruce Mau's lecture at pratt was quite insightful. He described todays designer scenario precisely. He is more of a system's thinker. I have been interested in strategic design for a while now. Thus it proved to be resourceful. He strongly tried to put a point across that society demands a new breed of designers. He gave examples of his work that include the guate-a-mala, and arizonan state university. Bruce worked on these projects on a very deeper level. He has tried to introduce new way of functioning in the system. He strongly believes in power and possibility of design if harnessed properly. I liked the positivity that he brought in the auditorium but  still I was not absolutely convinced in his prediction as I feel that change in any system highly depends on the surrounding micro systems as it shares a symbiotic relationship. I would like to see what he does in future though.